Membership of LandsAid e.V.

Would you like to support our work as a member, accompany the association in its development and help shape it? Then become a member!

Become a member of LandsAid

Founded in  in 2006, LandsAid was initially organized from a private home in Kaufbeuren (in the Allgäu region) before the association opened its first office in Kaufering near Landsberg am Lech. The number of members has grown from 14 at the time  to over 40 in the meantime.

What unites our members is their interest in supporting the work of LandsAid e.V. and actively promoting it. By discussing the development of the association at the annual general meetings, receiving and reviewing the previous year’s reports and electing the supervisory board, our members play a key role in shaping the work of LandsAid e.V.. In addition, our members support the work of the association financially through their membership fee, as well as by providing advice and support to the Board of Directors and the staff in the office.  

We are therefore particularly pleased to welcome members who, in addition to a personal interest and passion for humanitarian aid and development cooperation, bring expertise in areas relevant to us.


The most important basis for all those who are involved as members for and with LandsAid has always been the statutes of LandsAid e.V. These set out the goals and tasks of the association – the basis on which LandsAid has been able to grow steadily since its foundation.

Even if it can be a little tiring to read in some places, we expect our members to take a close look at the statutes and then confirm by joining that they identify with their contents and wish to support them.

If you can imagine becoming a member of our association, we look forward to receiving your membership application!

You can submit this by downloading the „MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION (PDF)“, completing it and sending it to us by post to

LandsAid e.V., Dr.-Gerbl-Str. 48, 86916 Kaufering

or send a scanned copy by e-mail to:

You will also find the associated articles of association and the privacy policy attached.

We look forward to seeing you!

Take part:

Your donation arrives

Our expenditure and income are regularly reviewed by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It has regularly certified the proper use of donations since 2009, which is why we are entitled to bear the corresponding seal.

Schön, dass Sie helfen wollen!

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DE66 7005 2060 0000 014001

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