Become a supporting member

Would you like to be part of our association and support our work in the long term, but don’t have time for personal commitment?
Become a supporting member!

Supporting membership of LandsAid e.V.

The number of our supporting members is constantly increasing. Many people identify with the aims of our work and want to support and promote it. However, they often lack the time and capacity to get involved more intensively or even get personally involved. A supporting membership with LandsAid e.V. offers a great opportunity to make a significant contribution to the humanitarian work of LandsAid e.V. .  

By making a regular sponsorship contribution, the amount and frequency of which you determine yourself, you enable us to plan long-term projects and help us to be ready to provide or organize rapid aid in the event of a disaster or acute crisis. Our sustaining members give us the much-needed security to carry out and continue our work  independently of high-profile fundraising campaigns – even and especially where public interest is low or has waned again.


As a supporting member, you will receive regular information about our work and are cordially invited to attend our annual general meeting. You can decide for yourself how much you would like to contribute and at what intervals – every donation is important for our work! You can change or end your supporting membership at any time with immediate effect; you are not entering into any long-term obligations. Become an important part of LandsAid e.V.!

You can do this by clicking on the „BECOME A SUPPORTER MEMBER NOW“ button to make your entries directly, or by downloading the PDF „BECOME A SUPPORTER MEMBER (PDF)“, filling it out and sending it to us by post to

LandsAid e.V., Dr.-Gerbl-Str. 48, 86916 Kaufering

or send a scanned copy by e-mail to:

You will also find the privacy policy for supporting members and our articles of association attached.

We look forward to seeing you!

Take part:

Your donation arrives

Our expenditure and income are regularly reviewed by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It has regularly certified the proper use of donations since 2009, which is why we are entitled to bear the corresponding seal.

Schön, dass Sie helfen wollen!

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Sparkasse Landsberg-Dießen
DE66 7005 2060 0000 014001

Mit einer Fördermitgliedschaft unterstützen Sie uns nachhaltig und ermöglichen uns eine längerfristige und vernünftige Projektplanung.

Aus Kostengründen versenden wir Zuwendungsbestätigungen für Beträge über € 300,– automatisch am Anfang des Folgejahres (bitte geben Sie dafür unbedingt eine vollständige Adresse im Verwendungszweck an). Für Beträge unter € 300,– genügt beim Finanzamt die Vorlage des Kontoauszuges.

Falls Sie dennoch sofort eine Zuwendungsbestätigung wünschen, geben Sie uns bitte Bescheid, damit wir diese zuschicken können.

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