Working with LandsAid e.V.

Would you like to work with us or are you looking for an internship? Find out more about your options here!

Working with LandsAid e.V.

The areas of work in an aid organization are very diverse. Our office in Kaufering is staffed by a dedicated team consisting of employees from the project department, public relations and donor support, accounting and administration. A number of volunteers provide support in various areas. Here you will find current vacancies or job advertisements for interns.
Unfortunately, for various reasons, we do not currently have the capacity to support interns in our office in such a way that they can gain the desired insight into the work of a humanitarian aid organization. We therefore ask you to refrain from making such requests. Should these circumstances change, we will announce this here.

If you would like to join our team but we do not currently have a vacancy that matches your profile, you are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. Please give us your express permission to keep your application documents on file and to contact you if we can imagine a place for you in our team. Please send your unsolicited application to our personnel management:

For our office in Kaufering near Munich, we are looking for a dedicated manager in the


(m/f/d) full-time or part-time 80%

Your responsibility:

  • As Chair of the Executive Board, they are responsible for the day-to-day business of the association in accordance with §26 BGB.
  • They represent the association and its work to the outside world and lead the employees within the company based on values.
  • They ensure sustainable liquidity, progressively expand the circle of donors and keep the association’s stakeholders in mind.

You can find further information on the vacancy on the Executive Board HERE

Personnel and association management

Sabine Sakals

  • Tel. +49 (0)8191 42 87 832
  • Mobile: +49 176 76951368
  • E-mail:

Before sending us your documents, please read our information on the processing of your application data before sending your documents.

Take part:

Your donation arrives

Our expenditure and income are regularly reviewed by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It has regularly certified the proper use of donations since 2009, which is why we are entitled to bear the corresponding seal.

Schön, dass Sie helfen wollen!

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Sparkasse Landsberg-Dießen
DE66 7005 2060 0000 014001

Mit einer Fördermitgliedschaft unterstützen Sie uns nachhaltig und ermöglichen uns eine längerfristige und vernünftige Projektplanung.

Aus Kostengründen versenden wir Zuwendungsbestätigungen für Beträge über € 300,– automatisch am Anfang des Folgejahres (bitte geben Sie dafür unbedingt eine vollständige Adresse im Verwendungszweck an). Für Beträge unter € 300,– genügt beim Finanzamt die Vorlage des Kontoauszuges.

Falls Sie dennoch sofort eine Zuwendungsbestätigung wünschen, geben Sie uns bitte Bescheid, damit wir diese zuschicken können.

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