Humanitarian crisis

A year ago in October, the violence in the Middle East escalated – since then, the humanitarian emergency has continued to worsen from day to day

Devastating consequences for the Gaza region

October 2024 – One year has passed since the violence in the Middle East escalated. Since then, thousands of civilians have been killed or injured and large parts of the infrastructure have been destroyed. The consequences of the escalation of violence for the people in the Gaza region are devastating. In the Gaza Strip alone, more than two million people are helplessly exposed to the fighting, including many children. The conflict is also escalating in Lebanon: around one million people are currently on the run within the country. It is a humanitarian catastrophe.

The situation is dramatic. There is a lack of drinking water, food, medical care, electricity and shelter – not to mention what the people in the affected regions lack most: security. Experts are talking about a spreading famine. The people urgently need humanitarian aid.

From the beginning of May to the end of September this year, we supported emergency aid measures for families in Gaza together with Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Arbeiter-Samariter Bund and GLOBAL CARE Kinderhilfswerk – as well as our alliance organizations of Aktion Deutschland Hilft. Teams from our local partner Goodwill Caravan provided the people with hot meals, medical aid and psychosocial support.

We focused our aid on the area of food security and thus played an important role in ensuring that thousands of affected people received a warm meal. The food packages contained food that could be prepared quickly and easily and fed a family of five for a day.

Access to the people affected was and is difficult. Being able to reach them with emergency aid was the most important concern from Aktion Deutschland Hilft ’s point of view. Working together with combined forces and an experienced local partner was and is an effective way of achieving this goal.

The organizations in the Aktion Deutschland Hilft alliance help in Israel, the Gaza Strip and neighbouring countries in accordance with the humanitarian imperative and support people regardless of their religious orientation or world view.

As our activities in Gaza have ended for the time being, we are forwarding incoming donations to Aktion Deutschland Hilft and thus to the organizations currently active in Gaza and Lebanon:

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Our expenditure and income are regularly reviewed by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It has regularly certified the proper use of donations since 2009, which is why we are entitled to bear the corresponding seal.

The Gaza Strip is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. The population is suffering from acute food insecurity.

As our activities in Gaza have ended for the time being, we are forwarding incoming donations to Aktion Deutschland Hilft and thus to the organizations currently active in Gaza and Lebanon:

The conflict in the Middle East escalated once again with the major attack on Israel by the terrorist organization Hamas on 7 October 2023. Clashes between Israelis and Palestinians have dominated the political situation on the ground for decades.

The humanitarian situation is worsening, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The need is omnipresent. Tens of thousands of people have lost their lives there since October 2023, including countless children. Many families have lost their homes. They are seeking shelter in the ruins of their homes. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled. According to the United Nations, people in the conflict region are particularly dependent on emergency shelters and protection, medical aid and medicines as well as food and clean drinking water. Around 96 percent of the population is suffering from hunger. The families in Gaza urgently need help.

The spread of the conflict in the Middle East is exacerbating the humanitarian plight of thousands of people in Lebanon and is having a massive impact on the affected civilian population throughout the region. The crisis is leading to a further deterioration in people’s living conditions. Due to the increasing number of attacks from the air and on the ground, hundreds of thousands are fleeing within the country. According to government figures, around one million people are on the run. Many people are also fleeing to Syria.

Figures published as part of World Humanitarian Day make it clear that more aid workers were killed in 2023 than ever before. 280 humanitarian aid workers lost their lives on missions, 163 of them in Gaza. This makes the Gaza Strip currently the deadliest place for aid workers.

Pictures: copyright Goodwill Caravan

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