Outreach worker at LandsAid

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Outreach worker at LandsAid e.V.

LandsAid was founded primarily with the aim of providing emergency humanitarian aid in crisis and disaster areas, implementing projects in the field of development cooperation and ensuring that the deployed emergency personnel are as well prepared as possible for their stay in the project area – and are not left alone afterwards. In particular, rapid emergency medical aid in the event of a disaster has often been provided by volunteer medical teams under professional leadership, for example by setting up mobile clinics, always in close cooperation with local partners. Since its foundation in 2006, well over 200 missions have been carried out in over 180 different projects.

Over the past 18 years, numerous volunteers have registered with us for possible deployment – mainly people from the medical field, but also logisticians, coordinators and people from other specialist areas. As a first step, they attended a preparatory seminar with us, in which they were prepared personally and professionally for the challenges of an assignment. In the event of an assignment, the registered helpers were then contacted and the assignment teams were put together from the feedback: mostly for short-term assignments of a few weeks, for which the specialists were released from their regular work or took leave. Only our coordinators often stayed on site for months at a time.

After a successful deployment, we always offered the opportunity to process the experience with professional support as part of a debriefing seminar and to exchange ideas with other helpers. The  experience has shown that reintegration after the usually very intensive, often physically and psychologically stressful stay in a crisis or disaster area is not easy for many.

In recent years, the nature of missions has changed considerably: Cooperation with local partners is steadily increasing, whereas the deployment of our own teams for practical work on the ground has steadily decreased. There are many reasons for this: on the one hand, there are now stricter requirements to be able to operate as an NGO in an assignment country. This requires complex certification processes. Secondly, we believe that working with local staff is generally the most sensible way to provide aid, provided that the appropriate resources are available in the country of assignment. In recent years, we have therefore mainly sent assessment teams and coordinators to our project areas, and only a few specialists to implement the aid measures themselves.

How the work of LandsAid e.V. will develop over the next few years remains to be seen. We continue to receive many inquiries as to whether and in what form volunteers can get involved in our projects. Unfortunately, this is currently not possible. However, we are happy to record the details of interested individuals and will be in touch if new options arise to become active in projects with our own volunteers or to take part in a preparatory seminar. We would be delighted if you would like to register for future assignments without obligation. Please use our online form to do so. We will then contact you when the next steps become concrete.


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