Volunteering at LandsAid e.V.

How nice that you are interested in volunteering with LandsAid e.V.. You can find out more here.

Volunteer in the LandsAid e. V. team

Volunteering forms the basis of most associations. LandsAid e.V. was also founded in 2006 by a group of people who dedicated their time and energy free of charge to their common goal: To create an organization that can quickly and easily provide emergency medical aid in crises or disasters, that is dedicated to implementing humanitarian projects worldwide and whose particular focus is on training and supporting its own emergency personnel.

By far the largest part of the work in the first years of the association was carried out by people who volunteered their time . Even though – due to the growth of the association and thus the number and volume of projects – specialists were gradually employed who work for LandsAid on a part-time or full-time basis, a significant part of the day-to-day work is still carried out by volunteers:

Examples of this are the numerous volunteers who have worked on projects in recent years, our dedicated members, the volunteers in our office who help us with everyday tasks in the office, the helpers in our training programs and the numerous volunteers who make themselves available for campaigns and events. And even the Board of Directors of LandsAid e.V. did its important work for the association on a voluntary basis until 2024.


These volunteers make a significant contribution to the continued existence and growth of LandsAid e.V.. Without them, many projects could never have been implemented. Among other things, they ensure that the work is done for which people are so reluctant to donate money: such as the time-consuming administrative activities and bookkeeping, editing texts or translations into foreign languages. They provide support in public relations work or help with campaigns or very practical logistical challenges, such as preparing for operations. Some invest a few hours every week, others get involved at peak times – we are infinitely grateful for everyone who is willing and able to help.

Would you also like to support us as a volunteer? We would be delighted if you would register with us as a volunteer! You can use our registration portal to send us your key details so that we can contact you if necessary. You are not entering into any obligation with this registration – we will then discuss the type and scope of the commitment together.

We currently need support in the areas of fundraising, donor support and donor management. We are also currently revising all our address data so that we can work with a new program (CRM) in the future.
Support is also always needed in public relations, photo and film editing and social media. Are these areas that suit you? Can you invest one or two hours a week and imagine supporting us here? We look forward to hearing from you!

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Your donation arrives

Our expenditure and income are regularly reviewed by the German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI). It has regularly certified the proper use of donations since 2009, which is why we are entitled to bear the corresponding seal.

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DE66 7005 2060 0000 014001

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